
CSA Child Safety Code of Conduct

Christian Surfers Australia is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. It recognises the importance of providing a safe, supporting and positive environment for children. This Child Safety Code of Conduct aims to reduce risk of harm and abuse to children.

CSA Child Safety Policy

Christian Surfers Australia is committed to the safety of all people, in particular children and vulnerable people.

CSA Child, Harm, Abuse and Complaint Guideline.

Christian Surfers Australia is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all people, including children, personnel or families, who engage in our activities and events. We wish to ensure that any allegations of abuse to children or any person, or any safety concerns are reported by those who feel they want to.

CSA Mission Safety

Mission Safety Guidelines for all CSA Missions.

CSA Surf Safety

Surf Safety guidelines for CSA Missions.

CSA Social Media Policy

At Christian Surfers Australia we take online safety extremely seriously. We have several Facebook pages, groups and Instagram accounts which are monitored regularly. We recognise that we cannot fully control what happens on the internet, but we will be promoting and encouraging a Social Media culture within CSA that is respectful and honouring to all people.

CSA Privacy Policy

Our website allows you to donate, shop, comment on and share articles, make a payment, register for an event, join an email list, and other variants of ways you can enter your personal data. We use this information to better serve our constituency, with regard to the content of our website, the items in our store, the membership levels and events we promote. We respect our users privacy and vow to use this information with integrity and honesty. By visiting our website you inherently agree to the stated privacy policy below.